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An Ode to Spielberg

Throughout the years, I have always felt a strong desire to write about movies, but I found myself unsure of where to begin. Should I delve into the countless films I have watched, risking boredom for both myself and my readers? However, a couple of months ago, everything changed when I watched “The Fabelmans.” In that very moment, I knew exactly what I should write about: the profound journey of discovering film and how we fall in love with this extraordinary artistic medium.

I had the privilege of engaging in conversations with those fortunate enough to have witnessed cinematic masterpieces like “E.T.” or “Jaws” in the theaters. Their lives were forever transformed by these experiences. I vividly remember my mother watching “E.T.” with me when I was just a little boy. One of my favourite films, “Saving Private Ryan,” holds a special place in my heart, reminding me of the first summer holiday we spent on a beach, where my mother tried to scare me with “Jaws.” Even during my fascination with history, I found myself engrossed in stories about Abraham Lincoln and eagerly watching films such as “Lincoln.”  I couldn’t forget the time I insisted my parents buy me a cowboy hat after being captivated by Indiana Jones. Tales of people being awe-struck by “Jurassic Park” resonated deeply within me. There is a common thread connecting all these films spanning decades, and that thread leads to one man. When contemplating the early eras of film history, from silent films to the advent of New Hollywood in the 1970s, one can debate at length about who captivated audiences the most over an extended period. The names that come to mind include Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, John Ford, and Powell and Pressburger. It’s a subjective matter open to interpretation. However, in the past half-century, I firmly believe that no other filmmaker has birthed more filmmakers, moved a larger audience, or so profoundly defined his era of cinema through his work alone as Steven Spielberg.

Spielberg’s influence is ubiquitous. Everybody knows him, and almost everyone has experienced at least one of his films. He has touched the lives of countless individuals. What makes Steven Spielberg so fascinating is the fact that he is one of us—an individual who simply loves movies. If you have ever cherished even a single moment from one of his films, understand that you were granted that gift because Spielberg loves movies for the very same reasons you do. I don’t believe he has ever made a film out of anything less than sheer adoration for the power and meaning of cinema. Every frame of his work exudes his profound love for the medium. And now, from the deepest wells of his heart, Spielberg presents “The Fabelmans,” his semi-autobiographical ode to the very thing he cherishes. This film is set in two worlds—the world of his own discovery, where he grew up amidst cinematic wonders, and the world of cinematic discovery itself. It was in this realm that Spielberg realised his lifelong passion for filmmaking.